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Common Denominator

November 2, 2011

Find Y in these equations: X/Y… X1/Y… X2/Y… X[etc.]/Y

The answer is UR. UR=Y, as in yoU aRe whY those eXes exist. It’s not meant to sound like you are the sole blame for a relationship (or anything else, for that matter) going south. But, as the only constant between different people that don’t know each other, some responsibility has to be taken on oneself.

You might be wondering where this is coming from, so I’ll tell you… birthdays are a very reflective time. I turn 29 tomorrow. I graduated from Michigan State with a degree in communications with a focus on interpersonal communications. I’ve dated some incredibly wonderful women in my life. Nevertheless, all that knowledge and a desire for things to work didn’t stop the relationships from dissolving. Sure, sometimes things aren’t meant to be. Even still, I’m at the epicenter of those not-to-be things. That means I still have faults within myself I must recognize and rectify. It took me a long time to understand that.

It’s okay, though, because I also understand the opportunities to learn more about me (which also took a long time). There are lessons I can take away from the mistakes I’ve made and failed to take ownership of in my relationships. Self-actualization is life changing. If I’m willing to be a better person period, then I can be better for Her. Make sense?

What I ask is that you don’t let 29 years go before you work at and perfect YOU being better. Because whatever good/bad is happening in your life will, to some extent, be your doing. You are the core of your own Earth that holds everything else together. That may sound like a lot, but to know it makes it a lot easier to handle… so know it. That way you’re allowed to let go of blame and cynicism. That’s a latent benefit of knowing you are the common denominator. Not that everything is your fault, but that you can do more to reach your full potential. By putting the onus on yourself to make sure things change, you make sure things change.

Just wanted to hit you with some tidbits I figured out as my 28th year on this planet wraps up. Hope it helps. Be safe and I promise I love you. Talk to yall on the morrow.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. Jeff permalink
    November 2, 2011 3:05 pm

    Happy Birthday man!

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