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Cartoon Black History: Schnitzel

September 8, 2011

Did you see that movie The Help? Well I haven’t. I’m not even exactly sure of the plot. I probably shouldn’t have even brought it up. But I would guess it has something to do with black servants. If I’m right, this man could’ve easily been the subject of the film that’s been tops at the box office for weeks.

Schnitzel was a house negro. He was responsible for keeping the home in order. But his main job became cooking. Schnitzel excelled at the culinary arts. But neither he nor his slave owner knew that upon purchase.

To his left is Schnitzel’s master, Mung Daal, and his son, Chowder. Daal got Schnitzel for cheap because, though he was strong, he had mental problems. Schnitzel was born several weeks premature and shouldn’t have survived. As a result, he couldn’t speak. He just made sounds.

Mung Daal wasn’t close to rich and Schnitzel was the best he could do. Schnitzel would end up being a steal. But before his secret was revealed, Schnitzel was abused and humiliated by the father and son with reckless abandon (although Schnitzel never blamed Chowder for imitating the sins of his father).

Later that evening, Daal had a dinner party to show off his new “property” to the neighbors. Schnitzel was forced to cook. Talk about a pleasant surprise… Schnitzel was a savant. His mental illness may have stopped him from doing some things, but not making a glorious five course meal without knowing what he was doing. The food was virtually inhaled.

But Schnitzel did not receive the credit that was owed him. When asked who made the feast, Mung Daal claimed he had done it. Schnitzel was godsmacked by the blatant nature of the lie.

Schnitzel gave Mung Daal a very specific warning. He told Daal that taking credit for what he’d done was wrong. And, even though he was Daal’s slave, he swore he’d end Mung Daal’s life… or at least that’s what he thought he was saying.

All Daal heard was “Rada rada rada.” He had no understanding of Schnitzel’s threat. The next week, people were over and Schnitzel had a meal prepared. Once again, Daal claimed it was his own cooking creations they enjoyed. When the guests left, so did any sanity in Schnitzel’s mind. Chowder found Mung Daal just after waking up from a proper thrashing.

Schnitzel went AWOL following the beat down. There are no records of him being seen after that day. But many of Schnitzel’s recipes made while in hiding were passed down through the generations. His food can be sampled at five star restaurants to this day. Also, this picture has nothing to do with the story, I just enjoy it very much…

3 Comments leave one →
  1. WAT permalink
    September 9, 2013 6:25 pm


  2. October 18, 2017 12:40 pm

    What is even going on here? Chowder isn’t Mung’s son, and Schintzel’s voice actor is a white guy in all but 1 episode.

    • October 20, 2017 1:30 pm

      This is a fun time I had making up stories in 2011. I thought it was clearly nonsense.

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